Sunday, September 23, 2007

Glance for Lance

My driving instructor was fabulous, very knowledgeable, and with the patience of a saint. I was so freaked out that I took in about 60% of what he said, and looking back at what we talked about, I just laugh and laugh. " Traffic check" means checking for any cars, pedestrians, etc. as you pass side streets and the like. " Glance for Lance" means checking for people on bicycles, before you turn right.

-Traffic check!
Yeah, my mother lives really close by . . .
-Traffic check! It's 40 miles an hour here: Gas and go.
. . . and one day she just showed up at my doorstep . . .
-Traffic check! Signal. Glance for Lance. Look left, turn right. Gas and go.
. . . holding her cat . . .
-This is an unprotected left-hand turn. Don't be scared. Just move one car-length into the intersection.
. . . and said she was going out of town . . .
-Okay, gas and go. Careful, you almost hit the curb. That's an automatic fail on the driving test.
. . . and would I watch her cat . . .?
-Check for hobos and jay-walkers. Look right, turn left. Gas and go.
. . . that's just wrong, I mean, why not ask me first . . .? . . .
-Pull all the way up to the stop sign. Don't be shy. Traffic check!
. . . I may have had plans . . .
-Traffic check! If you are going 55 miles per hour on the freeway and you're in a head-on collision, you might be lucky, but at 65 miles per hour, you'll probably die. Gas and go . . .

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