Friday, October 05, 2007

3 Must-Have Items

There's nothing like a 99-cent-store pilgrimage on a Sunday afternoon. There are four of them relatively close together near my home, and a friend and I ventured forth, ready for anything.

Item Number 1
She noticed a very small, long ironing board and we laughed and laughed. I think she irons. I don't even know where my iron is. There were about 10 of them. Two shelves later, there was a pile of them. "Wow! There must be a huge demand for these," she said. "Maybe they're for ironing sleeves." Sure enough. They are sleeve boards! Wow! You can buy them online, but it's a challenge to make sleeve boards sound sexy enough to buy. The sight of a pile of them is something you just have to experience for yourself. Bizarre.

Item Number 2
Laundry bags that are "hand-wash only." What?! Right next to them were dry-clean only laundry bags. Hmmm.

Item Number 3
What looked like a serious case of copyright (or some other serious legal) infringement. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet sitting on a barrel. The barrel lights up, and Winnie moves. The lettering on the barrel said something like "Dongjin," and the box explained the different types of movement, like "Action: Head fluctuating wiggle." I guess Pooh's head moves, eh? We were reading this on International Translation Day.

My friend had a bag of useful stuff at the end of our trip. I came away with a giant plastic compass with sidewalk chalk instead of a pencil, and am hoping fervently for a bit of rain so that my current "garden" (see September 24, 2007 and September 3, 2006 entries: Z's Garden and Instant Garden) will be washed away. Then I can go crazy with perfect chalk circles.

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