Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Spam Jam

What was I thinking?! Monterey summers can be chilly and foggy, but I wore shorts and sunscreen to the Polynesian Festival aka Spam Jam. I ended up buying a fleece shawl, blue with a hibiscus print, and shivering like everyone else. I got a $5 discount on my admission for bringing a can of Spam to be donated to the Food Bank and I got a code to download an free hour's worth of Hawaiian music, traditional and contemporary, from an Internet radio station. I had a great time. There were booths with the food, services, and art you would expect, and the entertainment was fabulous---more on that later.

I chatted with this man, who had built a ukulele out of a cigar box. Notice the "Uke" sticker on the ukulele case. I pulled away when he started telling me questionable dumb blonde jokes, though.


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