Monday, April 28, 2008

How long will Z last?

In an effort to spend less money, I *gasp* cancelled my subscription to cable service. In this area, no cable means no TV at all. I have had no TV since the beginning of January and have saved $55 per month! Well, $40, because I upped my Netflix subscription.

Allegedly wise people say that having no TV somehow makes you a better person. You have more time to do meaningful things, like meditate, read, connect with others. They claim that you get used to the absence of television and don't even miss it.

Those people are soooo wrong! I get anxious when an evening stretches before me and I realize there is no TV and there's no Netlix movie in my mailbox. Of course I have a zillion things I could and/or should be doing, but I *am* a product of American culture that way. *wide grin*

If I were you, I'd start a betting pool at my place of employment centering on how long I'll last without cable.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Civil Records Mystery

A marriage certificate I recently translated initially seemed lacking in the interesting department. Some Haitian nationals temporarily living in New York City were married and registered that marriage with the Haitian consul there. Then I imagined real people, as opposed to names and dates on a page, and I came up with the following:
-The marriage occurred in 1967 and the families in question were Haitian and probably black.
-The bride was 16 years old. Since she was a minor, her mother had to sign a special consent form.
-The mother was a widow.
-The groom was 29 years old.
-The bride and groom already had the same last name.

What do you think?
-The widow couldn't support her minor daughter and married her off to a cousin?
-The bride and groom were madly in love?
-The bride was a slut, was pregnant, and the groom was paid a large sum of money to marry her?
-Something else?