Monday, March 28, 2011

Steamed Silk Worms: Korean Adventure Day 1

I was the first to try them.  They were slightly crunchy and then grainy, and tasted like chicken. 

I'm kidding.  They didn't taste like chicken, but if you could get used to the texture and idea of eating silk worms, I can see how they would be a good snack.  We had them at the fish market.  I loved that place and didn't want to leave.  Not because of the fish, but because of the great video opportunities.  People slicing into fish, little octopi, red stuff being transferred into plastic containers . . .

We'd begun the day with a visit to the major Incheon newspaper.  We met the head honcho there, and all the senior staff members.  We asked questions and were given spiced tea with nuts floating at the top. 

No bias, but the interpreters were my favorite people.  The interpreter at City Hall was a trained professional and a joy to watch.  Uhm, the presentation really was fabulous, but I was all about the interpreter.  She recognized the name when I mentioned the Monterey Institute of International Studies, where I trained.

Other stops: a store.  Great fun.  And a "pleasure cruise."  I have to repack my suitcase and get some sleep, but I have to mention that the cruise was full of senior citizens, many wearing pink, that we purposefully invited seagulls to dive-bomb us, and that we had a great time.

There was also a formal dinner with many Korean Rotary notables.

The warm weclcome we have received here is simply overwhelming.  We don't have to prove ourselves, we don't have to do anything; we are accepted and, well, loved, just for showing up, by these lively, greatly generous people.
