Monday, November 21, 2011

Zee in front of the camera instead of behind it for a changel! After years of hearing "Are you in it?" when I tell people I'm excited about my latest video, and seeing disappointment when I say I am not, I am caving in and creating a vlog, just for you!

The video above is my first stab at vlogging.  Here's the video description:

Storks and babies and Zee singing with herself! Did I say "bowl of mead"? The whole story (lyrics of The Christmas Storke) here:

What you hear me singing:

The storke she rose on Christmas eve,
And sayde unto her broode,
I now must fare to Bethlehem
To view the Sonne of God.

She gave to each his dole of mete (did I say "bowl of mead?)
She stowed them farely in,
And far she flew and fast she flew
And came to Bethlehem.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Toilets of Korea Slideshow

Some of my favorite toilet photos are in the slideshow below.  It's mildly embarrassing how obsessed I got with the toilet signage.  Think about it: what would you think if you came out of the restroom and saw a person pointing a camera in your general direction?


Friday, May 20, 2011

More of Korea Comics Museum

This was one of my favorite places. The photos may be blurry or a bit weird; I was convinced that we weren't supposed to take photos in there . . . but I just had to!

Here's my previous post with a few photos (click here), but you should see a slideshow below.  As of this writing, they're not showing up in the right order on the slideshow.  I tried!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Latin American Cultural Museum

I posted about this museum earlier.  Here is that post, if you're curious.  I've since flung more photos of outdoor statues (photography indoors is forbidden) onto the Web.  Here is a slideshow, for your viewing pleasure:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It doesn't end here . . .

In a little over an hour the team is heading out to the airport.  Our flight leaves at 5PM today, Sunday.  We fly for 10 hours, and arrive in San Francisco at 11AM . . . on Sunday.  Cool, eh?

What an experience this month has been!

But it doesn't end here; I will continue to post as much as I can.  I have something like 10 hours of video to process, plus lots of photos I was unable to post because of technical issues. 

I say "as much as I can," because I have to, uhm, work!  I'm self-employed and haven't worked at all since I've been in Korea. 

So I have to go get me some business.  Need a video for your website?  Need a translation into English out of Dutch, French, or Papiamento?  Know a wealthy eligible bachelor?  I'm your gal!  Maybe.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rotary Clock

We see this clock a lot . . . Wonderful Rotarians.

Technologically Savvy

When we visit museums and historical sites, we often see children on school trips.  Many use cell phones to take pictures and shoot video . . .

This was just outside a museum of contemporary art.  When we were leaving the museum, they had all returned and removed their shoes to sit on those large plastic blanket-matt things.  So cute!


The brochure on this organization is in the bowels of my suitcase right now.  Just know that it's an organization that sends Korean volunteers, mostly high school and college students, to 5 specific countries, including Mongolia, China, and Russia, where they have offices.  Relationships with other organizations makes it possible for volunteers to go to other countries as well.  Comparable to the Peace Corps, methinks.

They also have an educational program lasting 8 weeks, where experts give lectures.  The program is called "Global Citizenship," and teaches people about issues around the world. Sorry so vague.  Tired.

Spring is in the air

We (the team) went our separate ways for a few hours.  For shopping, uploading photos to Facebook, and the like.  I went to the park in Bucheon.  It's called---are you ready?---Bakersfield Park.


At least I think that's what it's called.  Rice wrapped in seaweed, and fish and radish.  Korean fast food.

Korean Comics Museum

One of my favorite places we've visited in Korea and I very much wish we'd had more time. 

 This "page" was taller than I, and I'm 5'7.

This is the interior of the elevator! 

The sign for women's restroom.  In  a speech bubble!  How cool is that?!

I loved this.  There was a giant cartoonist, sleeping---probably having fallen asleep while drawing---and you can walk through his head and see the various images he sees.  I realized that later, when I couldn't have a good look.  :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cold Fries for Breakfast

Frantically typing at public computer in hotel lobby.  Breakfast was a buffet: soup, fries, chicken wings, salad, breaded and fried shrimp, hard boiled eggs . . . all cold.  Heehee!

Sorry, no photos for a few days, methinks.