Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Z's First Music Video

I've been a negligent blogger with grossly infrequent entries. To make it up to you, I will totally embarass myself. Over the past month, I've discovered the joys of YouTube and have made several little videos. Today I made one for a few friends whose birthdays I had missed, and I posted it with the idea that I would delete it the instant they had all seen it. Now I'm thinking I should have made it even more embarassing, for posterity. After all, my motto is to try not to do things half-way.

A few points:
-I did all of this by myself.
-I don't drink alcohol and have never been drunk. Can you tell?
-The horse is a reference to the Papiamento version of the Happy Birthday song.

So here it is, in all its amateurish glory: Z's First Music Video.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

BRAVO!!!!! BRAVO!!!! Great editing too!!! As always, thanks for making me laugh Z!!!!