Monday, April 18, 2011

Find My Brother

So . . . we're sitting around the dinner table with a number of Rotarians.  Traditional Korean meals are served on low tables; you sit cross-legged and hope your legs don't fall asleep before your tummy is full.  I'm always afraid I won't be able to stand up and walk because I have a leg that, uhm, you don't need those details.

Anyroad, next thing I know, one of the Rotarians, the guy who'd driven us around town that day, starts telling his story.  I don't remember there being a father in the picture, but his mother was in such a difficult financial situation that she gave the Rotarian's brother up for adoption.  He had two other brothers, and they both died in childhood. 

He desperately wants to find his brother.  He looks like he's in his early fifties to me, but I'm not good and estimating people's ages.  He figures his brother has since been given another name.  Since he and his brother looked alike, he thinks he'll be able to recognize his brother only if he sees him.  Or if the brother sees him first.

By now, the interpreter is crying, and so is my team-mate.  The team photographer offers to take photos of him and there's brief mention of creating a Facebook page.

I offer to shoot an interview, and I do it, although the set-up is not ideal.  I'm already thinking ahead: transcription and verification, translation and editing, subtitles.  Beyond my budget and not a language pair I work with.  Volunteers, hopefully.  And how do we spread the word?  Facebook page, definitely.  Church groups, social groups?  Need more info from the gentleman.

So, I've been singing the one Korean song I know, over and over at dinners and club meetings.  Someone suggests I sing it.  We hold hands and I sing.  The Rotarians sing, too. 

Then I burst into tears. 


Then we all head off for some serious karaoke . . .  My current speciality: Abba's "Dancing Queen."

When I'm home and able to download my video footage, I'll create a YouTube account and post the video at least. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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