Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fire Extinguishers and Drums

Sorry, unable to post photos right now.

Most fire extinguishers I've seen in the USA are behind glass, never on the floor, and aren't immediately accessible.  Someone might, uhm, accidentally use one?  Trip on it and have to sue someone?

Fire extinguishers I've seen here in Korea are on the floor on a little platform.  Just grab and use.  Interesting, eh?

I know, a weak-ish post.  Tired.

Today we, the GSE Team, went to Seoul to see a re-enactment of the changing of the guard from a different era.  We were chosen---because we were having fun and taking lots of photos---to wear traditional Korean clothes, and our Team Leader was selected to hit this very large drum during the ceremony.  Pretty cool.

Photos to follow when I can upload.  Moving to a different city tomorrow.  We're supposed to visit a garbage treatment/landfill facility first thing tomorrow morning . . .

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