Friday, April 08, 2011


Sorry about the silence; I've had no Internet access.  Typing furiously in something like an Internet Cafe. 

Latest news: I had grilled dog for dinner the other night.  It tasted like chicken.

I'm kidding.  The texture was different, but it didn't taste like anything, really; like any meat, it's the flavoring, spices, etc., that make it good.

Like the other meats I've had, generally, I've wrapped it in some kind of lettuce, with some spices.



Anonymous said...

I won't share this particular blog entry with Kiwi. . . It's best that way. Charles and I are enjoying the blog. Charles wanted to know what part of the dog was consumed, like was it a doggie drumstick, or what? You can discuss that with him later. I don't need to know. Also, have you gone to the Penis Park? Maybe you should have done that instead of trying to squeeze your DDs into a Korean costume. Chuckie just recovered from another "near death" experience. Kiwi has doggie pink-eye. Charles had a diabetic episode at work that required EMS. It's been a tough 2 weeks. Looking forward to the next update. P

Unknown said...

Shasta and Zelda say "eeewyou." That must have been tough to succumb to that, or perhaps the effect of Soju...Be well.

Unknown said...

The best attribute an ambassador can have is to be open-minded. I'm glad you are able to try things. You can decide what to keep when you are back on your own turf.

Cindy B. said...

I'm glad you tried dog, for adventure's sake. I guess I could eat it in Korea...but it would be very hard to eat either cat or dog here.

I thought the traditional garb was great; the patterns and colors were not what I expected, somehow.

I am green with jealousy over the train system. Too bad we really don't have one here.

Thanks for the great photos!