Monday, April 04, 2011

No Rings

We've noticed that Korean men don't wear wedding rings.  Apparently, they wear them for a few years---say, five or six---and then that's it! 

One of our interpreters said, "It's not a requirement."  So I said that it's a way for me to know whether a man is single.  He replied that business people get to know each other socially, so I would find out that way. 

A direct quote: "It gets in the way." 

What do you think?  Do wedding rings get in your way?

1 comment:

Cindy B. said...

I get that in this country, Z! The only person who really has a good time around drinking is the person who is imbibing. Let's see...I think I'll act like an idiot in front of everyone! And risk getting in a bad car accident! Whoopee!