Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mark Ferrari

Whoa! I love, love, love this guy's work!

The Book of Joby is his first, 628-page novel and I tore right through it, staying up way too late at night to do so. It's about a wager between God and the Devil with some Arthurian legends mixed in. I've seen it compared to Christian novels, but I didn't perceive it that way at all. It got my adrenalin pumping (Yikers! What will happen to Joby next!), it gave me an intellectual fix (I got to appreciate the author's skill, intelligence, and creativity), and it gave me a few things to think about (since I am after all a deeply spiritual person).

Nevermind that: Mr. Ferrari was an artist before he was an author. My favorite drawing of his is of a teenager complete with jeans, skateboard, and baseball cap. But he's got these amazing butterfly wings. And the title of the drawing is " Trying to Fit In." How do you fit in if you've got amazing wings? We've all felt like the odd one out at some point, when all you want to do is belong. Is it worth suppressing the equivalent of your wings for? You might have an easy answer, but living it in practice can be a challenge. Click here to see the drawing, and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Great pic and a neat idea to get you thinking. I would like to say that I wouldn't hide my wings if they were that beautiful, but I'm sure in some situation, you would catch me putting on a rather large cloak! :-p

You know, I thought a recognized his work. He was the main artist in the books about Pern that I adored growing up!!!!