Tuesday, April 05, 2011


We were being taken to a store; we wanted to shop for various things. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and when the car stopped, I realized we were in front of Costco. At first blush, it seemed exactly the same as my Costco in Sand City, California, but it was HUGE! Three floors! And you'd look over and see Frosted Flakes, for example, but the writing would be in Korean. We couldn't stay long so I couldn't look at more stuff. I paid for my SD cards (what I'm using for "film" in my camcorder) and we headed for the exit. I did see a tiny washer, for clothes, that didn't look like anything you'd see in the States.

By the by, I think of $1 as being $1,000 (I didn't get a very good rate when I exchanged my money).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the blog...keep it coming!